一般的な販売条件 (英語)

1. Sales carried out by the vendor are made according to the present General Sales Conditions (GSC), which are considered accepted by the buyer, according to section 1341, sub- section 1 of the Italian Civil Code. These conditions are applied, as of right, with the exception of those for which a specific revocation has been written in the Order/Contract or in the specifications attached to them and will anyway remain valid until completion of the obligations being carried out. The vendor reserves the right to refuse at any time the carrying out of every Order/Contract, should the buyer not sign these specifically GSC by accepting all terms and conditions established therein. Should one or more of the clauses contained in the GSC or in the Orders/Contracts be declared null or invalid according to the law, the validity of the other clauses remains unaffected. The original text of the present GSC is in the Italian language despite the fact that it may be translated in other languages for information purposes. Therefore, the only valid and binding version of the GSC for all parties is the Italian version.

2. The Order/Contract is not considered valid, and therefore the obligations and rights of the parties are not enforced, until the legal representative or some other person acting on behalf and on account of the vendor has sent written confirmation of the order, in whatever form the order has been placed. Nevertheless, the vendor has the right to consider, at his own discretion, a contract validly stipulated and enforced, as to obligations and rights, even if the above formal requisites are lacking. Within ten days following the completion of the contract the vendor may withdraw from it without other obligation than that of communicating this decision to the buyer and without having to refund or compensate for damages.

3. The vendor will have fulfilled his delivery obligation as soon as the shipping agent takes over the goods to forward them to the buyer regardless of whether it has been agreed that the transport is at the expense of the vendor and irrespective of whatever the delivery term of the goods. All transport and/or consignment fees are at the expense of the buyer who has the responsibility to indicate specifically to the vendor the chosen means of transport. Failing specific indications, the vendor has full, unconditional right of choice.

4. All terms agreed for the delivery of the goods sold are to be considered as not peremptory and, therefore, not essential in any case.

5. Should the initial delivery time not be met for any reason, even if chargeable to the vendor, this initial delivery time will be automatically extended for an equal period, provided that the vendor has notified the buyer of this in writing at least ten days in advance of the expiry of the initially agreed delivery time.

6. The buyer may not claim any right for refund or compensation of damages, reduction of price, etc., against the vendor where the vendor has exercised the faculty to extend the delivery time, as per the previous point, and neither can the buyer rescind the contract or withdraw from it.

7. If delivery is not carried out within the initial or extended delivery time, the contract is automatically annulled, and the buyer has no right to claim anything and may not claim refund for damages, compensation or other, except where fraud by the vendor is proven.

8. Any lack of quality or defects in the goods sold must be reported to the vendor in writing within eight (8) days of delivery of the goods even in cases of latent laws or defects. No report of this kind will be accepted without the formal document previously referred to.

9. This report will have no effect if the buyer has not made all payments due, the parties being willing to consider the present provision in the same way as the "solve et repete" clause (first pay and then claim for refund) and to exclude any legal or conventional possibility of being compensated by any mutual debt or credit.

10. If at the time of report the obligation to make payment is not due or the payment has been legitimately made only in part, or where the buyer has been able to benefit from a like term, the effects of the report, none excluded, will be suspended until the time when payment of the sums due has been completed.

11. In any case the guarantee of the goods sold will no longer be valid whatever the flaws, defects or lack of quality reported, whenever the goods were assembled with other products or subject to any kind of processing and whenever, even without modification, they have been transferred or handed over to a third party.

12. Returned goods will not be accepted in opened packages or used, even partially. In the case of returned goods, whatever flaws, defects or lack of quality reported, the vendor reserves the right to withhold 20% of the sum paid by the buyer to cover costs of handling and warehousing.

13. The report having been made and its eventual veracity verified, the vendor has the right to substitute the whole quantity of the goods sold with others of the same quantity and quality, or, at his choice, to refund a corresponding sum, if paid.

14. Any refund for damages which is hypothetically attributable to the vendor because of flaws, defects or lack of quality of the goods sold, may not be more than double the sum agreed for the sale of the quantity of goods affected by the flaws or defects.

15. The first deliveries of goods will be made after having received the complete payment for the whole supply according to what declared in the Order Confirmation transmitted to the customer. In the case of further consignments the vendor reserves the right to agree with the buyer any extension in payment which must, in all cases, be confirmed in writing.








クライアントの資格(商品/サービスの供給のための注文/契約を規定するために必要な操作)の瞬間に供給および/または取得および/または取得した買い手の個人データは、配信された情報に指定されているように、契約を定め、それを実行するために、自動化もされ、治療の対象となり、個人データの取り扱いに関して、人と他の主体の保護のための処分を含む13条規制EU 2016/679-GDPRによって保護されています - そして彼らはこの法律に従って、買い手を守るためのセキュリティ対策を十分に尊重しベンダーによって取り扱われることになります。このデータは、ベンダーの商業活動に関連するすべての目的のためだけでなく、マーケティング、プロモーション活動、商業オファー、市場調査のために、製品およびサービスのプロモーションに関連する情報を購入者に送信するためにベンダーを許可します。買い手は、EU規則第15条に基づく権利を有します。EU 2016/679に基づく権利として、購入者は、販売者の担当サービスに連絡することにより、いつでも、無料で、自分のデータの更新またはキャンセルを要求することができます。本契約は、イタリア法に準拠します。本取引契約、その解釈、実行、不実行、取消、及び債務と債権に関連して発生し得る紛争は、当事者が知り、受け入れることを宣言したアンコーナ商工会議所の仲裁規則に基づき、拘束力のある仲裁によってのみ解決されるものとします。仲裁委員会は、各当事者が1名ずつ指名する3名の仲裁人と、指名された仲裁人による相互同意によって選ばれる3名から構成され、合意が得られない場合は、アンコーナ裁判所長官が指名し、相手方からの書面による要請から20日以内に指名できなかった当事者の仲裁人も指名します。仲裁人は、イタリア民法の各条項に従って慣習的に決定します。仲裁費用は、仲裁委員会の決定により、一方の当事者または両方の当事者に請求されます。仲裁は、カステルフィダルド(AN)、Via Jesina 60番地の業者の事務所で、仲裁委員会が決定した事務所で行われます。

当社が受領した国家補助および極小補助は、法律234/2012第52条に基づく国家補助の全国登録簿に記載されています。2012年法律第234号第52条に基づく国家補助登録簿に記載されており、以下のリンクから参照することができます。 https://www.rna.gov.it/RegistroNazionaleTrasparenza/faces/pages/TrasparenzaAiuto.jspx

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